The quartet was created in November 1996 by students and graduates of Novosibirsk Musical College.
The group debuted in the concert "Young Jazz Blood", which was a part of the Festival "Soros Inter Jazz" (Novosibirsk, June 1997). At next year's Festival, it was chosen to close the concert.
In November 1999 the musicians participated in the Festival "Cultural Heroes of the 21st Century".
In 2001 - "Biisk Jazz Festival" and "Neocom Jazz Festival" (Novosibirsk).
The group has an active concert program, performing in many of Novosibirsk's clubs. The Little Hall of Novosibirsk State Philharmonie can be considered its main stage, and the musicians appear there regularly with their new programs.
Press reviews:
"Not only were the musicians winding the audience up from the very first notes of famous rock and jazz standards, but also the listeners were in for a surprise. Indeed, they combine all the jazz
traditions - from Mainstream to the ultramodern "free" - rather masterfully and effortlessly, their improvizations are colourful and individual, and they are very cool and relaxed on stage.
And the most important thing is, they do not copy anyone."
(Yu. Eponeshnikovy, "Molodost' Sibiri", October 08, 1999)
"As a summary of the two-hour concert, I dare say that the only "under-thirties" jazz group in the city will bring the Novosibirsk jazz community to a level where young masters of jazz make Mainstream not only understandable to a wide audience, but also a popular genre. In any case, there don't seem to be any other candidates for the vacant position of developer of ideas of the Siberian jazz."
(A.Veselov, Kommersant-Sibir', February 04, 2000)